Thursday, April 29, 2010

One of those days...

Ever have one of those days, or maybe even weeks/months when it just wasn't a great day. There was no real reason, maybe a silly choice or a mean comment and WHAM it just stinks today! Well I had one yesterday and in the midst of my mini-break down I realized - this isn't very Christian of me. We're supposed to hope-filled. People are supposed to ask us for the cause of our joy, but instead I just wanted to vent to my husband about how I had spent the past two days doing nothing but working on resumes for jobs that a million people are applying for, only to just figure out that the application I drove across town to deliver had the wrong phone number on my resume - are you kidding me!!! And keep in mind I'm trying to conserve gas cause it's almost payday and now I have to go back again.... at the point when I was about to start getting irritated at God because I was trying to save money and get a job and I did something stupid so I should get irritated with someone other than myself right - I realized WAIT A SECOND!!!! You live an amazing life. You have a wonderful husband, his job provides for all your needs, you even have a little money in savings, so what if the gas light is on? Don't drive for the next day! You get paid in 2 days.

I realized that the Lord blesses me every day I'm alive. There is always a reason to praise him (even in the storms) and I can't lose my joy or my hope. If He wants me to stay home tomorrow to save gas, well then I should feel lucky to get to stay home. We are truly a blessed people and we must always do our best to show it! (But really God, couldn't you have pointed out the wrong phone number on the resume ???)

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